Advice on humility from a respectable guy
Among quite a number men on Adult Adult Sex who tend to think with the wrong head in dealing with the ladies here, I am glad that I have met some very respectable guys here. Respectable in the sense that they actually treat the ladies as people with personalities and not just another piece of meat ready for the humping, asking to get it on NOW.
The first guy I hooked up with here thus far left me with the best piece of advice based on his experiences with ladies on Adult Adult Sex. He’s been an Adult Adult Sex-er for quite some time. So it was after we had our romp at his place, and we were chatting about Adult Adult Sex and I remember he said something along the lines of the following points.
He told me that he knew some guys on Adult Adult Sex who thought any girls they met on Adult Adult Sex would and should remain exclusively theirs. In his opinion, such guys were being incredibly unfair, to think that they ‘deserve’ to keep any Adult Adult Sex ladies solely to themselves. Ladies on Adult Adult Sex do not come here to be OWNED by a guy. They are people who want control over what kind of guys they meet up, and are not interested in being treated like a prostitude, ready to bonk any guys at his whim and fancy.
The fact of the matter (and I remind you, this came from the mouth of my MALE friend) is that ladies on Adult Adult Sex are probably more successful than the guys on Adult Adult Sex in terms of the number of partners they have. So guys who think they are such studs have to keep this in mind to learn to eat humble pie.
Seriously, we need more men like this guy on Adult Adult Sex.