If it fits in the hole…
I’ve read about women putting certain foreign objects in their pussy, heck, I do that all the time, I mean, why place with just one vibrator when you can play with two, or three…
I’m designed for insertion, but what of men? I really haven’t heard from men interested in putting something in their uretha, and other then flicking the tip of my tongue around the top, I’ve never tried to insert anything there, not a finger, nothing, and no man has ever asked.
Well, horror of horrors, I’m reading about this guy who was using plastic tubes as a sex toy to insert into his penis until he discovered that the chrome casting of a pressure gauge was his “perfect” sex toy, until he lost it in his bladder, where it stayed for 7 years, until it migrated to his scrotum, where it caused a gangrene infection and everything had to be cut off. Well, they saved one testicle and put it in his thigh…
So, just curious, have you tried putting anything in there???